Five Hundred Carats

Five Hundred Carats
A local detective is convinced that the theft of the world’s largest diamond is an inside job after it is stolen in Johannesburg, South Africa and tirelessly works to apprehend the criminal.

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The Raid of Le Vengeur

The Raid of Le Vengeur

Action packed story about dueling military scientists in Britain and France are trying to figure out how to one up another in race to figure out how to improve their military might with submarines!

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A Mayfair Magician

A Mayfair Magician

Despite the venerable antiquity of the saying, it is not always true that “Out of evil cometh good,” but certainly out of the apparent evil of the snow- burst which, on the morning of a Christmas Eve not many winters ago, suddenly buried H. M. Prison at Nether-moor from the sight of heaven and cut it off from all communication with the rest of earth, there came to me two good things in the shape of spontaneously offered and most generous hospitality, and one of the strangest stories of what I can only call inverted genius and diverted human power that it has ever been my good fortune to hear.

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The Romance of the Golden Star

The Romance of the Golden Star
The Romance of Golden Star is an adventurous story about the restoration of the lost Incan Empire. “They were standing over a long packing-case, some seven feet in length and two and a-half in breadth, in which lay, at full length, wrapped in grave-clothes that had once been gaily coloured, but which were now faded and grey with the grave-dust, the figure of a man with hands crossed over the breast, dead to all appearances, and yet so gruesomely lifelike that it seemed hard to believe that the broad, muscular chest over which the crossed hands lay was not actually heaving and falling with the breath of life.”


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